Friday, 4 June 2010

May 29-June 4

I was back in Reading to visit my parents this weekend, and going back there after living in London for a while always brings home just how strange the place is. While there are pubs everywhere in the capital, there doesn't seem to be quite the same density of alcoholics there are in Reading. Maybe it's just because of the smaller population size, or the fact that there is very little else to do in Reading other than drink until your liver curls up and dies. But it was nice to head back and have a relaxing weekend with the family. We watched a truly bizarre film called The Box (the film, not the Rugrats episode, Wikipedia fans), directed by Richard Kelly. It started off as a sort of Hitchcockian thriller, a couple faced with an ethical dilemma, but rapidly escalated into a strange mishmash of conspiracy drama and science fiction with religious undertones. A baffling but relatively enjoyable film with an unashamed 2001: A Space Odyssey special effects rip-off sequence in the middle.

In case you hadn't guessed, I'm a big fan of films.

I had an enjoyable gig at Monkey Business Comedy Club in Camden on Tuesday, with a friendly audience and a fun group of acts on. However, what seemed like my funniest moment on stage took place not in my own set, but with a comedy magic act named Alan Hudson, which ended in me standing on stage with a bunch of balloons and a bright pink paper bag over my head (I won't go into any more details for fear of spoiling Alan's act, he is a good performer with a fun set and I recommend you see him sometime). Luckily it gave me a chance for a quick line at the start of my set which I hope helped the crowd warm to me a little. My current five minutes isn't quite as tight as my previous one, but it's more fun to perform. This might be because I'm not as bored of it as I was with the last one, but it feels looser and more open for improvisation, which is exactly what I've been looking for.

Oh balls, funny stuff, hang on...

I went out with a few friends on Wednesday night, and as is happening with increasing frequency it completely wiped me out all day Thursday. Whenever I drink a lot, it seems to make me unable to do anything of value the next day other than lying very still in the foetal position and feeling incredibly sorry for myself.

In my defence, this time I think it was more due to the fact that once we'd got back at around 3am, we did stay up watching a film until half 5, at which point I fell asleep until half 2 the following afternoon.

Ah, the joys of not having a proper job.

I spent Thursday night watching In The Loop, a hilarious and rightly award-winning film with some of the best swearing I've ever heard (Sorry, Ryan Reynolds in Blade Trinity, "cock-juggling thundercunt" doesn't quite cut it any more) delivered with extreme gusto by the wonderful Peter Capaldi, and a weird but oddly hilarious line by Tom Hollander involving the words "willy banjo". I won't go into any more detail, I highly recommend you watch it.

I've recommended a lot of things in this post in the hopes that someone will read this and pay attention to the recommendations of a man who spends his time sleeping, watching films, blogging and occasionally doing five-minute open spots at comedy clubs. Because I'm under the impression that you're all as boring as me.

1 comment:

  1. How have you only just watched In The Loop? I basically have a shrine to it.
